この度、⼤阪府⽴江之⼦島⽂化芸術創造センター[enoco]では、「黒⽥⼤スケ個展 天幕のためのプラクティス」を開催いたします。
黒⽥⼤スケ個展 天幕のためのプラクティス
会 期|2025年4⽉12⽇(⼟)〜6⽉1⽇(⽇)※⽉曜休館
時 間|10:30〜18:00
会 場|⼤阪府⽴江之⼦島⽂化芸術創造センター[enoco]4Fルーム1, 2, 3
主 催|⼤阪府⽴江之⼦島⽂化芸術創造センター [enoco]
助 成|
黒⽥⼤スケ(くろだ だいすけ)
1982年、京都府⽣まれ。広島市⽴⼤学⼤学院博⼠後期課程修了。2019年〜2020年⽂化庁新進芸術家海外研修員(フォートワース、アメリカ)。帰国後は京都を拠点に制作活動を⾏う。社会の中に佇む幽霊のような忘れられた存在に注⽬し、近年は彫刻に関するリサーチを基に、近代以降の彫刻家やその制作⾏為をモチーフとした映像作品を制作。主な展覧会に「第7回昌原彫刻ビエンナーレ2024『silent apple』」(昌原、韓国、2024)、KYOTO EXPERIMENT「Echoes Now」(京都芸術センター、京都、2024)、「art resonance vol.01 時代の解凍」(芦屋市⽴美術博物館、2023〜2024)、「コレクション・ハイライト+コレクション・リレーションズ[村上友重+⿊⽥⼤スケ:広島を視る]」(広島市現代美術館、2023)、「湖底から帆」(なら歴史芸術⽂化村、2023)、「DOMANI・明⽇展 2022-23」(国⽴新美術館、2023)、「あいち2022」(常滑⻘⽊製陶所、2022)などがある。
講師:松岡剛(広島市現代美術館主任学芸員)× 黒⽥⼤スケ
⽇時: 5⽉4⽇(⽇)10:00〜12:00
会場:2F ルーム8
各イベントには下の⼆次元コードまたは以下のenoco 展覧会ウェブサイトからお申し込みください(申し込み開始⽇:2025年3⽉1⽇(⼟))。
〒550-0006 ⼤阪市⻄区江之⼦島2丁⽬1番34 号
地下鉄(Osaka Metro) 千⽇前線・中央線「阿波座駅」下⾞、8番出⼝から⻄へ約150m
TEL:06-6441-8050 FAX:06-6441-8151
web :https://www.enokojima-art.jp/
Kuroda Daisuke
Practice for the Tent
April 12 (Sat) – June 1 (Sun), 2025
10:30-18:00 *Closed on Mondays
Free Admission
Venue: Enokojima Art, Culture and Creative Center, Osaka Prefecture [enoco], 4F Rooms 1-3
2-1-34 Enokojima, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0006
Organizer: Enokojima Art, Culture and Creative Center, Osaka Prefecture [enoco]
The Enokojima Art, Culture and Creative Center, Osaka Prefecture [enoco] is pleased to present Kuroda Daisuke’s solo exhibition Practice for the Tent.
Through surveys and fieldwork, Kuroda has uncovered phantom-like presences that society has forgotten and ignored, and produced video and installation artworks based on these observations.
This exhibition, held in conjunction with Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai will primarily feature video works based on Kuroda’s recent survey of sculptural works in Osaka’s public spaces, as part of his recent focus on modern sculpture. The exhibition will also explore the Osaka Prefectural Collection of 20th Century Art, which is part of the Center’s collection, in relation to Kuroda’s past activities, providing an opportunity to reflect on and reexamine the relationships between Osaka’s history, cityscape, and art.
What stories will these forgotten existences, hidden in the shadow cast by the imposing symbol of “Osaka,” tell us now, and what forms will they reveal to us? We sincerely look forward to your visit.
◉Artist’s Comment
“Searching for the genius loci (spirit of the place) between the streets and the art of Osaka”
“What is sculpture?” “What is Osaka’s art?” With these questions in mind, I have been traveling around the city for about a year, surveying sculptures in public spaces. Studying Osaka’s history through these sculptures, I listened to their hidden voices and created works embodying their forms.
Kuroda Daisuke
◉Artist Profile
Kuroda Daisuke
Born in 1982 in Kyoto Prefecture. Completed doctoral program at Hiroshima City University Graduate School. 2019-2020 Agency for Cultural Affairs Overseas Study Program for Upcoming Artists (Fort Worth, USA). Based in Kyoto after return to Japan. Focusing on forgotten, ghostly existences in society, has recently been creating video works based on research on sculpture, using modern sculptors and their creative processes as motifs. Major exhibitions include 7th Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2024—silent apple (Changwon, Korea, 2024); Kyoto Experiment—Echoes Now (Kyoto Art Center, 2024); art resonance vol.01—Defrosting Time: Art Across Generations (Ashiya City Museum of Art & History, 2023-2024); Collection Highlights + Collection Relations [Tomoe Murakami + Daisuke Kuroda: Viewing Hiroshima] (Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, 2023): Setting Sail from Beneath (Nara Cultural Arts Village, 2023); DOMANI 2022-23 (The National Art Center, Tokyo, 2023); Aichi Triennale 2022 (Tokoname Aoki Pottery, 2022), among others.
◉Exhibition Events
*Please register for the above events using the QR code or through the enoco exhibition website below (registration opens March 1, 2025 (Sat)):
For those who have difficulty applying through the form, phone registration is available. (Tel: 06-6441-8050).
◉Venue/Organizer: Enokojima Art, Culture and Creative Center, Osaka Prefecture [enoco],
2-1-34 Enokojima, Nishi-ku, Osaka 550-0006
Tel: 06-6441-8050
Email: art@enokojima-art.jp
3-minute walk (about 150m) west from Exit 8 of Awaza Station on the Subway (Osaka Metro) Chuo Line/Sennichimae Line
*Please check the website for barrier-free access routes from Osaka Metro Awaza station.
*enoco does not have public parking. Please use public transportation.
*If you require special accommodations due to disabilities, please contact enoco.